Five Favorite Things: April 2022
I feel like April just FLEW by! It feels like spring is really here to stay in Copenhagen, so we’ve been getting out and about as much as we can. The warmer months are really so fleeting, you have to take advantage of them. Here are some things I’ve been loving this month!
DECOR: Kähler vase (with fresh tulips)
We got this Kähler vase as a gift years ago, and I really love the simple, classic design. In the spring, tulips are everywhere, so I’ve made a habit of buying a fresh bouquet pretty much every week at the grocery store. The bright tulips with the bold stripes on the vase make me happy to look at every day!!

SKIN CARE TEAM: Ole Henriksen Banana Bright eye cream & Dear, Klairs Freshly Juiced vitamin C serum
I started using both of these products last summer. I was a few weeks postpartum and none of my old summer clothes fit me, so I went shopping. I remember seeing myself in a dressing room mirror (famously always flattering… haha…) and realizing I looked… corpse-like. I am extremely fair-skinned, so even on my best day there’s not a lot of color in my face, but after a few weeks life with a newborn, it was was on another level. I needed some vitamin C to brighten things up. I’ve been using these two products every day since then!! The eye cream is pricey AF, but one tiny jar lasts me a longggg time. I think I’ve only used up one or two!
BABY: Bubbles
Sometimes simple is best! In the past couple of months, Noah has become absolutely enamored with bubbles (sæbebobler). We keep a couple jars (tubes? containers?) handy for when we need a quick way to distract him or calm him down.

ACCESSORY: & Other Stories sunglasses
Confession: I really prefer to buy high-end sunglasses. And I feel like I can really tell a difference between nice sunglasses and cheap ones in the quality of the lenses. Howeverrrrr, I am also not much a risk taker when it comes to fashion, so I don’t like to invest in things unless I’m sure I’ll like them. These sunglasses are a *slightly* different shape for me (although, I KNOW, they are far from the wildest sunglasses that people are wearing these days!), so I liked the price point for a pair to kind of test out the style. Turns out, I love them. So much that I’m on the lookout for a similar, but nicer, pair (maybe these…).
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