Honest baby product review: Bugaboo Fox2 Stroller
The Bugaboo Fox2 was the second stroller we bought for our son, Noah. If you missed my review of the first stroller, the Emmaljunga NXT90B, read that first! 🙂
Why we bought it
We knew that we needed a smaller stroller, and I had a few mom friends at this point who had, and LOVED, the Bugaboo Fox2. The main issue with the Emmaljunga was the size, and the Fox2 was significantly smaller and much more lightweight. My friends that had it said that the size was really manageable, very easy to get around with, but still comfortable for their babies. We went to BabySam again and tried out the Fox2, along with a couple other strollers that we were considering. We were sold on the Fox2 because of the smaller size, the fact that it came with the bassinet and seat (the NXT90B did not come with a seat), and it was easy to fold up and would fit better in our car. We also just preferred the design and functionality compared to some of the other strollers that we tried out. But I felt really good about the decision to buy the Fox2.
The review
We’ve been using the Fox2 for over 9 months now, and we. Love. This. Stroller. The size immediately made a huge difference in how comfortable I was going out with Noah. The Fox2 is still big enough to be comfortable for him (it’s a little bumpier on city streets and cobblestones since the wheels are smaller, but it doesn’t seem to bother him). It is easy to adjust the handlebars, and most importantly, I could SEE NOAH; my line of sight wasn’t blocked by the apron on the bassinet.
Some other things that I really like about the Fox2 compared to the Emmaljunga stroller: I much prefer the footbrake on the Fox2. It is a pedal that you push down with your foot, and then just push down again to release it, and it is super easy. I found the Emmaljunga stroller difficult to lock and unlock because of how much force it required (I’m sure this would have gotten easier with time, but it was very frustrating for me when the stroller was new). The Fox brake is also much easier if you are wearing sandals or other open-toed shoes.
I also prefer that the canopy on the Fox2 goes all the way down and leaves only a very small gap for light to get in. With the Emmaljunga, I felt like it was still VERY open when the canopy was up, letting a lot of light in and making it harder for Noah to sleep.
The Fox2 also fits better in our car. We do still take the seat off of the chassis and remove the larger wheels most of the time, but I think it is easier to fold up than the Emmaljunga, and it takes up much less space in the trunk.
We switched over to the seat (klapvogn) when Noah was about 5 months old, because it was really clear that he wanted to be able to sit up and see out of the stroller (we would always have it reclined until he could sit up by himself at about 6 months). My only worry with this stroller was whether Noah would sleep in the seat, and he absolutely does. He actually sleeps better in the klapvogn than he ever slept in the bassinet. (We tried putting him outside in the NXT90B for naps after we stopped using the Fox2 bassinet, but he really didn’t seem to like it, so we stopped trying.)
A bonus is that we have gotten several Bugaboo accessories, and we really love them all. We have the cupholder, performance winter footmuff (which is one of my favorite baby purchases we’ve made), high performance rain cover (see below), and we used the newborn inlay when Noah was in the bassinet.
The only real critique I have of this stroller is pretty minor: the rain cover that it comes with is… not great. It’s nice that it comes with a rain cover at all, but it is extremely basic and just not that practical. It’s kind of hard to stretch it over the stroller, and then if you want to get your baby out, you have to take the rain cover all the way off. We eventually upgraded to their high performance rain cover, and it is soooo much better. (Let me know if y’all are interested in reviews of our Bugaboo accessories!)

Would I recommend it?
Absolutely, 100% yes. Honestly, there is nothing I don’t like about this stroller (except the rain cover that it came with). If you live in a city, take public transportation or walk a lot, and want something that is large enough to be comfortable but small enough to be practical, the Bugaboo Fox is a great bet!!
Final thoughts…
Again, these are both fantastic strollers — if they suit your lifestyle and purpose. If I could have a do-over, I would have purchased the Fox2 first, and waited until Noah had outgrown the bassinet on that stroller before deciding if we needed the bigger bassinet on the NXT90B. If you are at all on the fence about buying a stroller with a larger bassinet, I would suggest taking that approach.
Have you tried this stroller, or are you considering it? Leave your thoughts in the comments! 🙂
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May 24, 2022 at 6:50 pm[…] already know that I love our Bugaboo Fox2 (read my full review here!). A good stroller is obviously an essential; we use ours every single day. I also love and […]